Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"Querido Amigos y familia,
Hello! How are you all doing?! It is crazy to think I've been in this place for 5 weeks! Yes it is! Only 3 and half  more weeks to go until I'll be checking out to NYC! I can tell the time is just going to gly by. You all are in my heart and prayers each day. Please know that even though it's not easy, it's worth it. I learn so much and grow much closer to the Lord each day. Yesterday, out evening devotional was world renowned violinist, Jenny Oaks Baker. What an amazing performance and spirit she brought. I am so blessed to not only be touched by her, bu to be touched by so many amazing people I've met in my life. I can only hope in someways I've been able to return the favor. One of the things you quickly learn here at the MTC is that is's not here to teach me a language. It's here to bring about my conversion and come closer to Christ. I had an awesome teacher recently say, " No matter how much Spanish you learn at the MTC, if you can learn to master even just 1 Christ-like attribute, your time here will not been in vain". This rings very true in my case. Everyone learns languages a t a different speed and when we hit the field we will ass still have a ton to learn not matter how much Spanish we picked up here. But, if I can master charity, patience, or other attribute of Christ my life will be blessed for eternity. What an opportunity a mission is. I beg all young men to prepare themselves for a mission and then serve on diligently. You all, whoever is read this, mean so much to me. Even thought you can't pick up a phone and call me, we can always talk through letters. And I'm ALWAYS here to listen. God bless all
Elder Glen Reber.

I know he wants me to thank all of who read his blog and write him. He is doing good in the MTC and can't wait to get to NYC. Write him! He is missing everyone and wants to make sure that everyone knows he does care about you and is loving his work no matter how hard it is. He loves you all and loves receiving letters!

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