Friday, July 27, 2012

The Power of the Spirit

One of the great things about the MTC is how much the spirit is here and how many amazing spiritual experiences you can have. Today I was blessed with the opportunity to sing to the incoming Senior Missionaries. Music always connects me with the spirit.  It was just last Sunday's devotional when I broke-down listening to "Come, Come ye saints!" This song is also a missionary song and even though a mission is one of the toughest things you can do, it's one of the best things you can do. If you are reading this and debating going or waiting for something significant in your life to happen to tell you to go, STOP WAITING!. It will be the best decision you've ever made. The spirit found here brings so much peace, comfort and the desire to change. You will be brought closer to Christ here then anywhere else. Everyone please remember to do whatever is nescessary to feel it's divine power everyday of your life.
If you are having a hard time, have a question, need someone to talk too, or need help, please write me. I love you and care about you.

Elder Glen Reber

Cleaning the Temple

"This last Thursday I had the privilege of cleaning the Provo, Utah temple. It has been closed for a couple weeks and re-opens soon. What an experience. It was strange at first, because we receive white grubs to clean in but we wear our tennis shoes.  We were then given a quick speech about how nobody else in the world cleans the way the temple does. It was very thorough. This is so that whoever comes to the temple is able to 100% focus on the spirit and not be distracted by anything. The first thing I was asked to do was help remove old alters in the sealing rooms. What amazing, beautiful and spiritual rooms those are. After words I was asked to do a few miscellaneous things in the "basement". I got to see the shop, which was very neat because the Provo temple is the only temple with a shop that makes and builds it's own repairs. Some simple vacuuming was next. How neat to be able to be in an endowment room all alone with the spirit and help others with the celestial room. I was a little jealous of the sisters as they got to clean the chandeliers in the sealing rooms. Finally, we got to see exactly how deep of a cleaning happens. Me and another Elder were giving the opportunity to scrub all the tile in 1 stairway with an extra-large toothbrush. Literally. We scrubbed and scrubbed with soapy water and out brushes until we could literally see our reflection in the stairs. To most it would seem awful, but I could not look at it any other way than an opportunity to serve the Lord. To be able to go to his house and help clean it so that the spirit may more fully abide there was truly a special experience.
Those who have the opportunity to go regularly to a temple, don't miss out! I can already tell I'm going to miss it on my mission. I am lucky thought, cause I get to go to the one in NY once every 3 months.

Don't forget you can still write me at the MTC mailbox #207, NY-NYCN- 0814, 2005 N 900 E, Provo, Utah 84604. I'll send my MY address to you guys soon :D! I think of you all often and hope all is well!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"Querido Amigos y familia,
Hello! How are you all doing?! It is crazy to think I've been in this place for 5 weeks! Yes it is! Only 3 and half  more weeks to go until I'll be checking out to NYC! I can tell the time is just going to gly by. You all are in my heart and prayers each day. Please know that even though it's not easy, it's worth it. I learn so much and grow much closer to the Lord each day. Yesterday, out evening devotional was world renowned violinist, Jenny Oaks Baker. What an amazing performance and spirit she brought. I am so blessed to not only be touched by her, bu to be touched by so many amazing people I've met in my life. I can only hope in someways I've been able to return the favor. One of the things you quickly learn here at the MTC is that is's not here to teach me a language. It's here to bring about my conversion and come closer to Christ. I had an awesome teacher recently say, " No matter how much Spanish you learn at the MTC, if you can learn to master even just 1 Christ-like attribute, your time here will not been in vain". This rings very true in my case. Everyone learns languages a t a different speed and when we hit the field we will ass still have a ton to learn not matter how much Spanish we picked up here. But, if I can master charity, patience, or other attribute of Christ my life will be blessed for eternity. What an opportunity a mission is. I beg all young men to prepare themselves for a mission and then serve on diligently. You all, whoever is read this, mean so much to me. Even thought you can't pick up a phone and call me, we can always talk through letters. And I'm ALWAYS here to listen. God bless all
Elder Glen Reber.

I know he wants me to thank all of who read his blog and write him. He is doing good in the MTC and can't wait to get to NYC. Write him! He is missing everyone and wants to make sure that everyone knows he does care about you and is loving his work no matter how hard it is. He loves you all and loves receiving letters!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hi all!
Oh how time flies in the MTC! I hope everyone had a truly special 4th of July. What a special time to be grateful for our independence, which also allows out religious freedom and me to serve a mission. The population at the MTC is about to jump up as July-August is it's busiest months. My zone in the MTC is about to grow from 18 to 52 in 2 weeks.
Thank you to all my friends and family who continually write and support me. You guys are my heroes. I continue to learn so much at the MTC. I also desperately miss performing. I know that singing, dancing, acting and directing/choreographing is definitely what I want to do with my life. I got to meet my new mission president while he was training here and it got me all that much more pumped for NYC! We also had an amazing truly devotional by L.Tom Perry where 10 of the 12 apostle attended. So many amazing things happening at the MTC. Love and miss you all!!!!

Glen Reber!